Does your 2025 technology roadmap fully consider the top supply chain trends that matter?
"CPOs must take calculated risks and make reliable investments in technology to enable value creation within digital transformation initiatives." Advanced in technology provide procurement with opportunities to support new business models, augment and automate decision making, and foster ecosystem collaboration.
In planning for the future, there is much insight to be gained from looking back to times of large-scale disruption and uncertainty and examining the impacts and evolving trends.
Top eight supply chain technology trends for procurement
Each year, Gartner® identifies the most relevant, current, and impactful technology trends for supply chain executives.
This Gartner report explores the business impact of the top eight supply chain technology trends for procurement, as well as other technology trends that CPOs may not be aware of.
According to Gartner "the number one motivating factor for investing in supply chain technology for organizations is the need to make the decision-making process faster, more intelligent, and of higher quality." The Avetta platform has been built to provide real-time supply chain analytics and insights to address your needs, goals, and challenges for enhanced decision-making.
In our understanding, the top eight supply chain technology trends have two themes:
1. Control and protect
2. Humans and machines
These trends are interconnected, and their importance differs based on organisational maturity, industry, business needs, and previously devised strategic plans.
"This report details the business impact of the top eight supply chain technology trends for procurement, as well as other technology trends CPOs need to be aware of. "
Adoption of advanced analytics and AI technology “remains high priority on lists of future investments in procurement technology” according to Gartner. Avetta's AI solutions offer insights, recommendations, and predictive analytics, allowing you to make informed decisions and foresee potential outcomes.
This report is useful for CPOs considering a strategic response to 2024 supply chain trends as they plan 2025 technology roadmaps.
Download complimentary access to this Gartner report.