Sustainability, ESG and DEI

Comply with evolving human rights and sustainability regulations

Leverage the right tools to ensure visibility and compliance around sustainability reporting, supply chain due diligence and climate disclosure.

Stay up-to-date on ESG regulations impacting your business and supply chain

Turn insights into action with Avetta’s scaleable, global platform. Collaborate with contractors and suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint, prevent forced labor and adhere to ethical practices.

Scope 3 emissions reporting

Greenhouse gas Scope 3 emissions reporting extends beyond direct emissions to include indirect emissions from your value chain. Assess and mitigate your largest carbon footprint risk: supplier emissions.

California’s SB 253 and 251

EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

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German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Conduct required due diligence across your entire supply chain to reduce climate and social risks. Assess environmental and labor practices, identify human rights risks and maintain documentation to demonstrate compliance. Review and verify supporting documentation for greater assurance.
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Climate disclosure rules

Companies are required to disclose climate-related information under various regulations, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, the NGER Act and other country-specific disclosures to enhance transparency on climate risks, impacts and opportunities in global and regional corporate reporting.
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EU's CS3D and CSRD

Implement due diligence processes to identify and address sustainability risks within your supply chains, ensuring adherence to ethical and sustainable practices throughout your contractors’ and suppliers’ operations.

EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)

EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

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Forced labor and child labor

Comply with forced labor legislation by disclosing efforts to combat child labor and human trafficking in your operations and supply chains. Implement measures to prevent, identify and address instances of modern day slavery while promoting transparency and accountability within your organization.

Canada's S-211 Bill

Australia's Modern Slavery Act

UK's Modern Slavery Act

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We're still at the starting point with ESG, but by seeing some of the analytics, we will be able to source some useful information. Understanding and using this information will be vital for us in reaching our ESG goals.

Penny Ovenden
Procurement Governance Specialist
Pacific National
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